Eligibility Requirements

Head Start Eligibility

  • Child must be at least 3 years old, or turn 3 years old by the date used to determine eligibility for public school.
  • Family’s income is equal to or below the poverty line.
  • Family’s incomes are between 100 – 130% of the poverty line.
  • Family receives or is eligible for public assistance including TANF and/or SNAP.
  • Family is homeless as defined by the McKinney-Vento definition of homeless.
  • Child is in foster care.
  • If family does not fall into the above criteria the program may enroll a child who would benefit from services. Families within this realm cannot make up more than 10% of program’s enrollment.

Eligibility Documentation

Families must provide one form of documentation, listed above, to determine eligibility.

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Step 1 of 3

Does Your Child have Insurance
Select One
Select One
Select One
Mailing Address – if different than above:

Please list a relative/friend that does not live with you and can be contacted in case of emergency.

Are you the biological/adopted/step parent of the child you are enrolling?
Are you a foster parent/legal guardian for the child you are enrolling?
Ages 0-18
Does your family:
Does your child have a diagnosed disability?
Does your child have IFSP/IEP?
(health, development, behavior, premature birth, etc.)